Setting Up Your 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

Setting Up Your 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

This seminar article was originally written in 2004 and delivered at the State Bar of Texas Course: Representing Nonprofit Organizations. It was substantially revised following the IRS revisions to Form 1023 in 2006. The most recent revisions are from May 2011 where the paper was delivered at the Tarrant County Bar Association All-Star CLE.

Program-Related Investing

Program-Related Investing, State Bar of Texas Governance of Nonprofit Organizations Course, August 18-19, 2011

This seminar paper and presentation discuss program-related investing and program-related investments, an exception to the rule against jeopardizing investments applicable to private foundations. This paper provides the applicable law as well as giving examples of program-related investments.

Basics of International Grantmaking

Basics of International Grantmaking, University of Texas 24th Annual Nonprofit Organizations Course, Austin, Texas, January 12, 2007

This seminar paper provides an overview of the legal requirements for making grants to international recipients by both public charities and private foundations.  The paper discusses best practices for public charities including pre-grant due diligence and, written grant agreements, and periodic reporting and requirements of expenditure responsibility or equivalency determinations for private foundations.  The paper also highlights alternatives such as making grants to domestic organizations for international work.  Finally, the paper discusses compliance with anti-terrorism measures in place at the time of the writing of the paper.