Trustee Liability & Whistleblowing

144283240(1)2016 Salk Institute Breakthrough Biomedical Philanthropy Seminar, La Jolla, California

It is always exciting to take part in the Salk Institute’s annual two-day summit, which couples the worlds of philanthropy and science through featured presentations and panel discussions.  The topic I presented was Trustee Liability and Whistleblowing, specifically focusing on state and federal standards of conduct applicable to directors and trustees of private foundations.  This paper further underscores best practices for these decision makers, highlighting tools to limit liability and emphasizing the importance of diligence in carrying out duties and responsibilities.

Private Foundations: A practical Guide to Key Issues, Choices, and Risks

Philanthropy Southwest and the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

160910502Consider this paper the “CliffsNotes” to the planning, creation, and operation of private foundations.  If you need to go back to the basics of charitable planning, start here.  [Looking for a reference outline on public charities?  See my paper posted in 2014 titled Article: Public Charity Basics.]

Public Charities and Private Foundations

136390931On January 25, 2014 I had the pleasure of presenting an overview of the planning opportunities with public charities and private foundations to the Southwest Regional Education Conference of the American Association of Attorney-Certified Public Accountants at Texas A&M Law School in Fort Worth.  It was an early Saturday morning (after having 16 6th graders from my son’s church youth group spend the night!) but a good discussion.  I appreciated the opportunity.  The presentation materials can be found at the following links.


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