Private Foundations: What Should be Keeping You Up at Night

Philanthropy Southwest, 2014 Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona

“Cradle to grave” in scope, this reference outline and presentation incorporate the fundamental factors of the organization, creation, and operation of private foundations from formation to termination and everything in between.  Intended as an overview of planning considerations for the practitioner to help clients define and achieve their philanthropic goals, this is a great resource if you want to learn more about the life cycle of a foundation.

Precursors to Effective Endowment Investing, In It for the Long Haul: Investing to Reach Your Endowment or Reserve Potential

Community Foundation of North Texas, Fort Worth, Texas

This presentation touches on preliminary considerations when planning for endowment investing.  The development of the Law of Prudence and ‘legalization’ of Modern Portfolio Theory are illustrated, and applicable UPIA and UPMIFA rules are highlighted.  Finally, drafting tips are provided and questions to consider are posed when creating policies, specifically investment policy statements.

Giving with Strings Attached

State Bar of Texas, Governance of Nonprofit Organizations Course, Austin, Texas

How do gift restrictions come about?  What if we don’t understand the restriction?  What should we know about earmarked gifts?  These questions and more are explored from the perspective of both the charity and the donor in this examination of key considerations arising under state and federal law with respect to gift restrictions.
