Navigating Unfamiliar Terrain: Nonprofit Law for the Non-Nonprofit Lawyer

106510537-copy15th Annual Advanced Business Law Course, Houston, Texas, 11/09/2017

The nonprofit sector includes organizations of all shapes and sizes with various entity structures and exemption bases, all highly regulated under both state and federal law.  This paper and presentation provide an overview of this sector geared to practitioners practicing outside of the area of nonprofit organizations, beginning with choice of form; moving to exemption, obtaining exemption, maintaining exemption, and operating; and concluding with termination of the organization.

Overview of Nonprofit Organizations: The Basic Framework

Overview of Nonprofit Organizations: The Basic Framework, University of Texas 29th Annual Nonprofit Organizations Course, Austin, Texas, January 18-20, 2002

This seminar paper provides a basic framework for the entire nonprofit sector, explaining the differences between private foundations and public charities and briefly discussing other types of nonprofit entities. In addition, this paper lays out the various types of structures and nonprofit entities and discusses choice of form. Finally, this paper discusses end of life issues of nonprofit organizations as well.

This paper was co-presented with Professor Terri Helge of Texas Wesleyan School of Law.